
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A Fourth Recap

We had a very fun and full Fourth weekend filled with festivities and friends and family celebrating our nation's founding. Whew, there's no doubt I deserved that English degree after that alliterative sentence.

We were dog sitting Chelsea again, and, after sneaking out of work a little early, I arrived at the house to find this lazy beast enjoying the air conditioning. {sorry about the glare on the glass}

But since it was about 1,000 degrees, I could hardly blame her. When John finished studying, we ran out to Whole Foods because they were running a "4th of July Bundle Deal" where for $20 you could get a pound of wild-caught sockeye salmon, mixed green salad, apple pie, and lemonade. You can't beat that, particularly at Whole Foods!

I got too carried away by the deliciousness to snap a picture of dinner, but I did get one of our "hangry-preventers."

Smoked salmon, fresh Black Mission figs, and some white cheddar cheese.

Of course John went straight for the smoked salmon.

On Saturday morning, we made a quick sprint to a nearby yard sale where they were selling milk glass pieces.  Unfortunately, most were pretty bad reproductions, but I did score one beautiful Fire King hobnail vase for $2!

I'm thinking it would look great with some pretty straws at the wedding.  I actually think the picture below shows the exact same vase.

Image via Style Me Pretty

After the yard sale, with the help of Brooks Brothers, we made John a true Southern lawyer.

Yes sir, we got him a seersucker suit.  After the pants are hemmed, I will be sure to report back on how handsome he looks.

Later I ran to the mall with one of my bridesmaids so she could order her dress.  

More details on these soon, but I was glad for another check mark on the wedding planning!

That night we attended a surprise birthday party for a friend organized by his fantastic fiancee {can't get away from that alliteration}.

Here we are scrambling to light our holiday-appropriate sparklers when the "errant honk" let us know they had arrived.

Surprise and happy birthday, Mr. C!

On Sunday, we attended a very patriotic and multi-cultural fiesta at John's aunt's house.

We even had a Brit there for good measure. 

After our fajita fiesta {I'll stop now} the night before, I was craving a cool salad after our walk on Monday morning.  We headed down to Weaver Street Market, where I put a dent in their salad bar.

Finally, I tried to get a picture of Chelsea with her American flag, but she was feeling a little shy.