
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Mental Leftovers

We've established that I have Doug-like tendencies, but, hey, this is my our blog, so I get full content control.  Here are some things that have been bouncing around in my mind over the last few days:

If you haven't already, you must go read the Bloggess' adventures!  Particularly:
Intrigued yet?  Believe me, it's worth it.

Three weeks ago, I finished listening to Laura Hillenbrand's Unbroken on audiobook and I cannot stop thinking about it.

Amazon describes it as "the inspiring true story of a man who lived through a series of catastrophes almost too incredible to be believed."  As I first discoved with Seabiscuit, Hillenbrand's writing is extremely engaging, particularly her ability to weave larger social and political issues into a very personal story.  I read she researched the book for seven years, but the book reads as a page-turning thriller and not a textbook-boring recounting of World War II veterans' stories.  This book made me laugh out loud, weep at the cruelty Louie experienced, and want to leap up and start singing the "Star-Spangled Banner."

Unbroken really made me think about the experiences of WWII soldiers returning home compared to that of soldiers returning home from the current wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, particularly related to PTSD and their ability to move forward.  I wish I knew more and understood it better at all, so I'll have to see if there are any books written about it.  Recommendations welcomed.

Look!  It's another paint chip DIY! I believe my mother, who wants to retire to the gift wrapping counter at Belk's, will particularly like this one.

If you need a few more laughs after reading The Bloggess, check out the most hilarious auto-corrected texts of all time.  Well this is awkward.

And now for The Sweetest Picture of All Time.

See ya tomorrow for a wedding update!  Just 301 days!  Oh yeah, there might be a little (awesome) reason I've been able to post twice in one day that I will share soon.


Sally said...

Your blog entries today made me both laugh and cry, too! There were tears of laughter when I read the want-to-buy-a-monkey blog, light puddles when I looked at the sweet picture of a bullie and his mistress hugging each other, and then there were full-grown tears of joy that I have such a dear and amazing daughter! I am blessed!